Friday, 19 June 2015

Sciennes Last Cycle to School Day this Session

Great turnout for today's 'Cycle to School'. Big thank you to Colin, Robert, Ross and Chris who have helped lead these rides over the last school year. See you all in August 2015 for more cycling fun at Sciennes. 

Monday, 15 June 2015

Sciennes Ride to School Day Friday 19th June

Come and join us this Friday (19th June) on our last 'ride to school day' for this school session. We'll be leaving King's Buildings at 8.20 sharp. If you can't make the start, don't worry, we'll pick you up on the way. 

P7s this will be your last opportunity. Don't miss it!!

Monday, 8 June 2015

P5 bike and rider tests

Early June and it's time to get all the children in P5 ready for Bikeability when they are in P6 in the next school year. 

Many schools do Bikeability (the modern version of Cycle Proficiency), but few make sure that all children take part. 

Fewer still take the trouble to 'prepare' their p5s. 

Today (the first of three days) one class had their bikes 'safety checked' - quite a few needed saddles raising (for comfort and riding efficiency). 

Then a session for improving bike handling skills followed by a trip to The Meadows - perhaps the longest ride some of the children have ever been on.


Friday, 5 June 2015

Bike Sale!

Sciennes School Summer Fair Saturday 6th June 12.30–3pm          
(Fair 12.30–3.30pm)
Child & adult bikes for sale
Sellers bring bikes to Millerfield Place entrance at 12.00 noon. 
Sellers keep 80% of the sale price and School Council keeps 20%