Friday, 28 November 2014

JRSOs Launch Brake's Road Safety Week

Junior Road Safety Officers Aidan, Morgan and Kirsty helped launch Brake's Road Safety Week on Monday 17th November at the City Chambers, accompanied by Miss McGrouther. The theme is 'Look Out for Each Other'.' Thank you to Lorna Henderson, CEC Road Safety Officer, for the invite and for the extra special, jam-packed goodie bags for the children!

Saturday, 15 November 2014

JRSOs and P4B Lead P4-7 Road Safety Assembly with Sam Moody

Very well done to our Junior Road Safety Officers Kirsty and Morgan (Aidan was unfortunately absent today) and to P4B and Miss McGrouther who superbly led our P4-7 Road Safety Assembly on Friday 14th November. Our JRSOs took us through a 'Be Bright, Be Seen' quiz and P4B demonstrated how reflective clothing and accessories help keep us safe. Grateful thanks to City of Edinburgh's Sustainable Travel Officer, Sam Moody, who helped us understand how we can help drivers notice us, by giving us a lively presentation with volunteers from the audience. His final message was to think about how we can look out for each other by thinking about how we can be bright and be seen. It was lovely to welcome Sam back to Sciennes and we would like to thank him for all the special goodies he brought for our JRSOs. Road Safety week launches on Monday 17th November and our JRSOs have an exciting invitation to Brake's press launch at City Chambers. Thank you to Lorna Henderson for the invite.

Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs)

Be Bright, Be Seen Quiz

Miss McGrouther, Road Safety Co-ordinator
P4B demonstrate reflective clothing

Sam Moody talks Sense!
The only sense drivers can use is Sight, so we need to make sure we can be seen.
Thanks Sam, for helping us to THINK about Road Safety.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Sustrans P6 Active Travel Superheroes!

Sam Moody CEC Sustainable Travel Development Officer with JRSOs Kirsty and Morgan

All 97 of our P6 pupils have undergone Cycle Training and have been great ambassadors for Active Travel to school. In recognition of their achievements, they were awarded Sustran's Superhero badges at our Road Safety Assembly on Friday 14th November. Great that Sam Moody, CEC Sustainable Travel Officer, was able to congratulate them when he delivered a 'Look Out for Each Other' Road Safety Assembly for P4-P7.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

P1-3 Road Safety Magic Roadshow

Many thanks to Mark Symonds who arranged the Road Safety Magic Show for P1-3 on Monday 10th November. More hotographs on the P3 Class Pages.

Saturday, 8 November 2014

P6 Active Travel Sustrans Superheroes

Our P6 pupils have all undergone Cycle Training and have been great ambassadors for Active Travel to school. In recognition of their achievements, they will be awarded Sustran's Superhero badges at our Road Safety Assembly on Friday 14th November. This ties in nicely with our day of support for Children in Need, which has a Superheroes theme this year, also on Friday 14th November.