Thursday, 9 October 2014

Edinburgh 20mph plans a "trailblazer for cities across Europe"

Edinburgh 20mph plans a "trailblazer for cities across Europe"

Kids and parents from Sciennes Primary School took to the streets to help raise awareness of the Council's ongoing 20mph consultation.

National pedestrian charity Living Streets teamed up with Transport Convener Councillor Lesley Hinds, Vice Convener Councillor Adam McVey and children and parents from Sciennes Primary School to encourage participation in the Council's consultation on rolling out 20mph speed limits across the Capital.

Sciennes Primary School is in the city’s south side, which became a 20mph zone under a pilot in March 2013.
Visiting the school, Living Streets Chief Executive Joe Irvin, hailed the Council's 20mph vision as a trailblazer for cities across Europe.
He said: "A city-wide 20 mph scheme will help secure Edinburgh’s place as one of the most walkable, liveable cities in Europe.
"To really appreciate Edinburgh, you have to be on foot. Everyone should find walking safer and easier with lower speed limits - but especially children, parents with buggies and more vulnerable pedestrians. I urge everyone to respond to the Council’s survey."
Cllr Hinds said: "I’m thrilled that Living Streets are backing our drive to bring about a culture change in Edinburgh as far as speed limits are concerned. We want to make sure as many people as possible have had the chance to comment on the proposals and we’ve been absolutely delighted with the number of responses submitted already – approaching 2,000 at the latest count!
"Lower speeds in residential areas and shopping streets are not just good for safety and environmental reasons. Slower traffic makes streets more attractive to residents, pedestrians, cyclists and children, improves the environment for business and enhances quality of life."
Alison Noble, Head Teacher of Sciennes Primary School, said: "As a school community we were really supportive of the pilot programme idea for South Edinburgh and I’m pleased to report that there has been an increase in the number of parents walking with their children or allowing them to cycle to school."
To complete the 20mph consultation, please go to The final date to have your say is Friday 17 October 2014.