Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Kirsty P6C Pedal for Scotland 2014

A big thank you to all of you who so generously supported Kirsty (P6c) on the recent Pedal for Scotland Glasgow to Edinburgh ride. With your help, online and offline she has raised an astounding£1,200 for Parkinsons UK. After an early scare when her gears stopped working, Kirsty made up for lost time: her parents Andy and Jackie saw very little of her until the finish where she waited so that the family could cross the line together. Thanks again to everyone at Sciennes who sponsored her.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Sciennes Ride to School Day Friday 26th September

Come and join us at King's Buildings at 8.20 or join us en route. We cycle along the "quality bike corridor and turn off at Sciennes House Place to arrive before the bell at 8.50.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Sciennes School Active Travel Plan Survey

School Travel Plan

To help update our School Travel Plan we would be grateful if you would complete our survey. Link below

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Kirsty Pedalling for Charity

On Sunday 7th September, Kirsty Johnson (P6C) will be cycling 47 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh in the "Pedal for Scotland” event, to raise money for Parkinson’s UK.  
Kirsty has friends whose dad has was diagnosed with Parkinson's aged 39. He has done a lot of fundraising to fight the disease but is now too ill to continue.  Kirsty has taken up the baton and would be grateful if you could support her.
Her parents, Jackie and Andy are going to try to keep up with her on the ride. If you would like to donate please visit our web page:  http://www.virginmoneygiving.com/JacquelineJohnson (which is open until 7/10/14) , or have a word with any of us. Thanks!

Cycle to Work Day Thursday 4th September

If you haven't cycled to work or school this term then tomorrow is the day!