Road Safety Officers Aidan, Morgan and Kirsty helped launch Brake's
Road Safety Week on Monday 17th November at the City Chambers,
accompanied by Miss McGrouther. The theme is 'Look Out for Each Other'.'
Thank you to Lorna Henderson, CEC Road Safety Officer, for the invite
and for the extra special, jam-packed goodie bags for the children!
Friday, 28 November 2014
Saturday, 15 November 2014
JRSOs and P4B Lead P4-7 Road Safety Assembly with Sam Moody
Very well done to our Junior Road Safety Officers Kirsty and Morgan (Aidan was unfortunately
absent today) and to P4B and Miss McGrouther who superbly led our P4-7
Road Safety Assembly on Friday 14th November. Our JRSOs took us through a
'Be Bright, Be Seen'
quiz and P4B demonstrated how reflective clothing and accessories help
keep us safe. Grateful thanks to City of Edinburgh's Sustainable Travel
Officer, Sam Moody, who helped us understand how we can help drivers
notice us, by giving us a lively presentation with volunteers from the
audience. His final message was to think about how we can look out for
each other by thinking about how we can be bright and be seen. It was
lovely to welcome Sam back to Sciennes and we would like to thank him
for all the special goodies he brought for our JRSOs. Road Safety week
launches on Monday 17th November and our JRSOs have an exciting
invitation to Brake's press launch at City Chambers. Thank you to Lorna
Henderson for the invite.
Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) |
Be Bright, Be Seen Quiz |
Miss McGrouther, Road Safety Co-ordinator |
P4B demonstrate reflective clothing |
Sam Moody talks Sense! |
The only sense drivers can use is Sight, so we need to make sure we can be seen. |
Thanks Sam, for helping us to THINK about Road Safety. |
Friday, 14 November 2014
Sustrans P6 Active Travel Superheroes!
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Sam Moody CEC Sustainable Travel Development Officer with JRSOs Kirsty and Morgan |
Tuesday, 11 November 2014
P1-3 Road Safety Magic Roadshow
Many thanks to Mark Symonds who arranged the Road Safety Magic Show for P1-3 on Monday 10th November. More hotographs on the P3 Class Pages.
Saturday, 8 November 2014
P6 Active Travel Sustrans Superheroes
Our P6 pupils have all undergone Cycle Training and have been great ambassadors for Active Travel to school. In recognition of their achievements, they will be awarded Sustran's Superhero badges at our Road Safety Assembly on Friday 14th November. This ties in nicely with our day of support for Children in Need, which has a Superheroes theme this year, also on Friday 14th November.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Edinburgh 20mph plans a "trailblazer for cities across Europe"
Edinburgh 20mph plans a "trailblazer for cities across Europe"
Kids and parents from Sciennes Primary School took to the streets to help raise awareness of the Council's ongoing 20mph consultation.National pedestrian charity Living Streets teamed up with Transport Convener Councillor Lesley Hinds, Vice Convener Councillor Adam McVey and children and parents from Sciennes Primary School to encourage participation in the Council's consultation on rolling out 20mph speed limits across the Capital.
Sciennes Primary School is in the city’s south side, which became a 20mph zone under a pilot in March 2013.
Visiting the school, Living Streets Chief Executive Joe Irvin, hailed the Council's 20mph vision as a trailblazer for cities across Europe.
He said: "A city-wide 20 mph scheme will help secure Edinburgh’s place as one of the most walkable, liveable cities in Europe.
"To really appreciate Edinburgh, you have to be on foot. Everyone should find walking safer and easier with lower speed limits - but especially children, parents with buggies and more vulnerable pedestrians. I urge everyone to respond to the Council’s survey."
Cllr Hinds said: "I’m thrilled that Living Streets are backing our drive to bring about a culture change in Edinburgh as far as speed limits are concerned. We want to make sure as many people as possible have had the chance to comment on the proposals and we’ve been absolutely delighted with the number of responses submitted already – approaching 2,000 at the latest count!
"Lower speeds in residential areas and shopping streets are not just good for safety and environmental reasons. Slower traffic makes streets more attractive to residents, pedestrians, cyclists and children, improves the environment for business and enhances quality of life."
Alison Noble, Head Teacher of Sciennes Primary School, said: "As a school community we were really supportive of the pilot programme idea for South Edinburgh and I’m pleased to report that there has been an increase in the number of parents walking with their children or allowing them to cycle to school."
To complete the 20mph consultation, please go to www.edinburgh.gov.uk/20mph. The final date to have your say is Friday 17 October 2014.
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Kirsty P6C Pedal for Scotland 2014
A big thank you to all of you who so generously supported Kirsty (P6c) on the recent Pedal for Scotland Glasgow to Edinburgh ride. With your help, online and offline she has raised an astounding£1,200 for Parkinsons UK. After an early scare when her gears stopped working, Kirsty made up for lost time: her parents Andy and Jackie saw very little of her until the finish where she waited so that the family could cross the line together. Thanks again to everyone at Sciennes who sponsored her.
Thursday, 25 September 2014
Sciennes Ride to School Day Friday 26th September
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Saturday, 20 September 2014
Sciennes School Active Travel Plan Survey
School Travel Plan
To help update our School Travel Plan we would be grateful if you would complete our survey. Link below
To help update our School Travel Plan we would be grateful if you would complete our survey. Link below
Wednesday, 3 September 2014
Kirsty Pedalling for Charity
On Sunday 7th September, Kirsty
Johnson (P6C) will be cycling 47 miles from Glasgow to Edinburgh in the
"Pedal for Scotland ”
event, to raise money for Parkinson’s UK .
Kirsty has friends whose dad has was diagnosed with Parkinson's aged
39. He has done a lot of fundraising to fight the disease but is now too ill to
continue. Kirsty has taken up the baton and would be grateful if you
could support her.
Her parents, Jackie and Andy are going to try to keep up
with her on the ride. If you would like to donate please visit our web page: http://www.virginmoneygiving.com/JacquelineJohnson (which is open until 7/10/14) , or have a
word with any of us. Thanks!
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Cycling Activities this term
Sciennes encourages Active Travel and it was great to see one of our new P1s cycling with his Mum to school today.
This week and next all P1s will be trying out their cycling skills in the playground I'm sure we will discover many more budding cyclists.
P6 children have started their Bikeability Level 2 and over the next 5 weeks will be developing and consolidating their cycling skills and learning how to cycle safely on-road.
P6 children have started their Bikeability Level 2 and over the next 5 weeks will be developing and consolidating their cycling skills and learning how to cycle safely on-road.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
Sciennes P5A Cycle Adventure
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Photograph by Ross Crook |
On their return journey they stopped off at the Crags to try out the small and fairly challenging skills course which was organised by The Skelf Bikepark
Friday, 20 June 2014
Sciennes Cycle to School Day
Thank you to all who turned out for our last Cycle to School Day this academic session. Great turnout as usual. Let's hope the Roads department fix the pothole on the cycle lane on Causwayside just before Sciennes House Place over the summer holidays. Poor Cerys Gillespie's fell off her bike when her tyre got caught in it, however, she bravely got back on and rejoined the ride. Many thanks to our outriders, Chris, Colin, Ross and Robert.
Monday, 26 May 2014
Friday, 23 May 2014
P3 Cycle Skills/Learn to Ride a Bike Sessions
Primary 3 children will be bringing their bikes and helmets to school next week. They will learn how to fit their helmets correctly, have a shot at pumping up their tyres, learn how to start and stop safely, learn how to control and manoeuvre their bikes, have some fun on our very own skills course and for those children who haven't quite mastered the art of bike riding we will be helping them achieve their goal. The sessions will be led by qualified cycle trainers who have worked with Sciennes' children for a number of years.
Bike Curious Family Workshop
Is your family bike curious? Would you like to get cycling with your children but don’t know where to start? Or you want to move from baby seat to trailer or tagalong? Our workshop at Sciennes Primary School will help you get pedalling with children on board!
Childcare – and hence family cycling – is more than just a woman’s responsibility but we’ve added this event onto the wider day because we thought it would be helpful for everyone (and it was exactly the sort of thing we would have wanted ourselves). So this day is for everyone, including those without any kids yet of their own.
We’ll have experienced ‘cycling families’ on hand to give you some advice, and show you what you’ll need to get your child attached to your bike safely. You’ll be able to try out a range of equipment, from both front and back mounted baby seats to trailers and tag-alogs. There will be a cycle ride tutor on hand to help you master your riding technique if your child is old enough to ride independently and a Dr Bike to check over any bikes you bring along.
There will also be some bike friendly crafts to try out and plenty of caffeine and cake for anyone that needs it!
We’ll be heading off round the Meadows for a family bike ride at 12 – come and join us!
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Friday, 14 March 2014
Friday, 17 January 2014
Friday, 3 January 2014
PTA Bike Club
The PTA Bike Club run by Ross Crook mentioned in February edition of Tatler.
"Sport doesn't get top billing, but there are lots of parent-run clubs and great after-school activities - one pupil we spoke to happily skips off to bike club after lessons."
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